106 lines
5.4 KiB
106 lines
5.4 KiB
from db import dbGetMany, dbGetOne
from loguru import logger
from decimal import Decimal
def perform(dbh, params):
createdAt = params['created_at']
tenants = dbGetMany(dbh, { "statement": "SELECT * FROM tenant_t", "params": () })
for tenant in tenants:
logger.info(f"Tenant: {tenant['firstname']} {tenant['lastname']}")
# check tenancies
tenancies = dbGetMany(dbh, {
"statement": "SELECT * FROM tenancy_t WHERE tenant = %s AND startdate < now() AND (enddate > now() or enddate is null)",
"params": (tenant['id'], )
requests = []
for tenancy in tenancies:
fee = dbGetOne(dbh, {
"statement": """
SELECT f.amount, f.fee_type
FROM fee_t f, tenancy_fee_mapping_t t
WHERE t.tenancy = %s AND
f.id = t.fee AND
f.startdate < now() AND
(f.enddate > now() OR f.enddate is null)
"params": (tenancy['id'], )
if (tenancy['flat']):
logger.debug(f" Flat tenancy: {tenancy['id']}, Fee: {fee['amount']}, Fee_Type: {fee['fee_type']}")
flat = dbGetOne(dbh, { "statement": "SELECT area FROM flat_t WHERE id = %s", "params": (tenancy['flat'], ) })
logger.debug(f" Area: {flat['area']}")
if (fee['fee_type'] == 'per_area'):
feeRequest = flat['area'] * fee['amount']
feeRequest = fee['amount']
feeRequest = feeRequest.quantize(Decimal('1.00'))
'description': f"Miete {tenancy['description']}",
'account': tenant['account'],
'created_at': createdAt,
'amount': feeRequest,
'category': 'Mietforderung'
overheadAdvance = dbGetOne(dbh, {
"statement": """
SELECT o.amount
FROM overhead_advance_t o, overhead_advance_flat_mapping_t m
WHERE m.flat = %s AND
o.id = m.overhead_advance AND
o.startdate < now() AND
(o.enddate > now() OR o.enddate is null)
"params": (tenancy['flat'], )
overheadAdvanceRequest = flat['area'] * overheadAdvance['amount']
overheadAdvanceRequest = overheadAdvanceRequest.quantize(Decimal('1.00'))
'description': f"Betriebskosten {tenancy['description']}",
'account': tenant['account'],
'created_at': createdAt,
'amount': overheadAdvanceRequest,
'category': 'Betriebskostenforderung'
if (tenancy['parking']):
logger.debug(f" Garage tenancy: {tenancy['id']}, Fee: {fee['amount']}, Fee_Type: {fee['fee_type']}")
feeRequest = fee['amount']
feeRequest = feeRequest.quantize(Decimal('1.00'))
'description': f"Miete {tenancy['description']}",
'account': tenant['account'],
'created_at': createdAt,
'amount': feeRequest,
'category': 'Mietforderung'
if (tenancy['commercial_premise']):
logger.debug(f" Commercial premise tenancy: {tenancy['id']}, Fee: {fee['amount']}, Fee_Type: {fee['fee_type']}")
feeRequest = fee['amount']
feeRequest = feeRequest.quantize(Decimal('1.00'))
'description': f"Miete {tenancy['description']}",
'account': tenant['account'],
'created_at': createdAt,
'amount': feeRequest,
'category': 'Mietforderung'
for request in requests:
request['amount'] = Decimal('-1.0') * request['amount']
logger.info(f" {request['description']}, {request['account']}, {request['created_at']}, {request['amount']}, {request['category']}")
accountEntry = dbGetOne(dbh, {
"statement": """
INSERT INTO account_entry_t
(description, account, created_at, amount, account_entry_category)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, (SELECT id FROM account_entry_category_t WHERE description = %s))
"params": (request['description'], request['account'], request['created_at'], request['amount'], request['category'])
logger.info(f" account entry entered with id {accountEntry['id']}") |