import json from Cheetah.Template import Template import glob import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="") parser.add_argument('--schema', '-s', help='Schema file. Default: schema.json in the current folder.', required=False, default='./schema.json') parser.add_argument('--template', '-t', help="""Template file, templates files must be named as the final output file with an additional .tmpl extension. Default: all template files in the current folder.""", required=False, default="*.tmpl") args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.schema) as schemaFile: schema = json.load(schemaFile) for table in schema["tables"]: columns = table["columns"] for column in columns: if column["sqltype"] == 'serial': column["apitype"] = 'integer' column["jstype"] = 'number' elif column["sqltype"] == 'integer': column["apitype"] = 'integer' column["jstype"] = 'number' elif column["sqltype"] == 'date': column["apitype"] = 'string' column["jstype"] = 'string' elif column["sqltype"] == 'timestamp': column["apitype"] = 'string' column["jstype"] = 'string' elif column["sqltype"].startswith('varchar'): column["apitype"] = 'string' column["jstype"] = 'string' elif column["sqltype"].startswith('numeric'): column["apitype"] = 'number' column["jstype"] = 'number' table["selectors"] = [ y["name"] for y in sorted([ x for x in columns if "selector" in x ], key=lambda x: x["selector"])] for f in glob.glob(args.template): print(f"process {f}") tmpl = Template(file=f, searchList=[schema]) with open(f[:-5], 'w') as outFile: outFile.write(str(tmpl))